P-04-547 Ban Polystyrene Fast Food and Drinks Packaging. Correspondence – Oxford City Council to the Clerking Team. 20.01.16

Here’s a brief summary of what we did and who it affects:

In 2015, Oxford City Council carried out a review of its 2010 Street Trading Policy. As part of the review process, and following a period of public consultation, a number of changes were introduced into the 2015 policy and to its General Conditions for Street Trading Consents. These changes included a new condition as follows:

For food traders, all packaging and utensils for use by customers shall be made of biodegradable or recyclable materials.

This condition only affects consented street traders that sell food; it does not apply to fixed food premises. I would also point out that despite a number of press reports that the Council has banned the use of polystyrene, the condition does not ban the use of any specific type of material.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,



Lesley Rennie│Business Regulation Team Manager│Environmental Health│Planning and Regulatory Services